一个简单的制表框架 - DataTables

  • DataTables Official Site


    DataTables 使用非常简单,只需要在前端 HTML 页面上预先定义好 <table>,之后直接实例化就可以了。


    • 分页显示
    • 按列排序
    • 简单查找


    Starting HTML structure...

    <table id="example-table">
        <!-- default data goes here, will be flushed if `data' is -->
        <!--     provided during the instantiation of DataTable -->
          <td>via VsVim</td>
          <td>VS Code</td>
          <td>via VSCodeVim</td>
          <td>Qt Creator</td>
          <td>via builtin FakeVim</td>
          <td>native superset</td>

    JavaScript at bottom of page...

    $(document).ready(function() {
      // 1. default init
      // 2. with data provided
        // data - could be of type Object, Array, Array of Objects etc.
        //        For more, see https://datatables.net/manual/data/#Data-source-types
        data: [
            "ID": 0,
            "name": "NeoVim",
            "modality": "native superset"
        // columns - map cols in data to cols in `<table>', field by field.
        //           Note: number of cols provided here must match that of cols in `<table>'
        columns: [
          { "data": "ID" },
          { "data": "name" },
          { "data": "modality" }
      // 3. AJAX - https://datatables.net/manual/ajax
        ajax: "/path/to/api"


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