
  • 1 背景知识


    在经典Unix实现中,内核为每个进程维护一份file descriptor table(进程级),其中的文件描述符指向另一张file table(系统级),包含系统中所有打开的文件。file table中的每一项再指向实际记录文件信息的inode table
    进程要读写文件时,先通过系统调用(例如ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);)将文件描述符传给内核,然后由内核代表进程访问文件。进程无法直接访问file tableinode table




    1. fork(man 2 fork)一个子进程,继承父进程的所有文件描述符
    2. 这之后,如果这条命令里有重定向,那么重定向将会被执行
    3. 最后命令以exec(man 2 exec)的方式被执行

  • 1.1 Bash Redirection Cheet Sheet

    这是Peteris Krumins在2012年写的一份bash重定向用法简表,github仓库:pkrumins/bash-redirections-cheat-sheet




    |                                                                           |
    |                      Bash Redirections Cheat Sheet                        |
    |                                                                           |
    |                                                                           |
    | Created by Peteris Krumins (                           |
    | -- good coders code, great coders reuse                  |
    |                                                                           |
    | Redirection                 | Description                                 |
    | cmd > file                  | Redirect the standard output (stdout) of    |
    |                             | `cmd` to a file.                            |
    | cmd 1> file                 | Same as `cmd > file`. 1 is the default file |
    |                             | descriptor for stdout.                      |
    | cmd 2> file                 | Redirect the standard error (stderr) of     |
    |                             | `cmd` to a file. 2 is the default file      |
    |                             | descriptor for stderr.                      |
    | cmd >> file                 | Append stdout of `cmd` to a file.           |
    | cmd 2>> file                | Append stderr of `cmd` to a file.           |
    | cmd &> file                 | Redirect stdout and stderr to a file.       |
    | cmd > file 2>&1             | Another way to redirect both stdout and     |
    |                             | stderr of `cmd` to a file. This *is not*    |
    |                             | same as `cmd 2>&1 > file`.                  |
    |                             | Redirection order matters!                  |
    | cmd > /dev/null             | Discard stdout of `cmd`.                    |
    | cmd 2> /dev/null            | Discard stderr of `cmd`.                    |
    | cmd &> /dev/null            | Discard stdout and stderr.                  |
    | cmd < file                  | Redirect the contents of the file to the    |
    |                             | stdin of `cmd`.                             |
    | cmd << EOL                  |                                             |
    | foo                         | Redirect a bunch of lines to the stdin.     |
    | bar                         | If 'EOL' is quoted, text is treated         |
    | baz                         | literally. This is called a here-document.  |
    | EOL                         |                                             |
    | cmd <<- EOL                 |                                             |
    | <tab>foo                    | Redirect a bunch of lines to the stdin.     |
    | <tab><tab>bar               | The <tab>'s are ignored but not the         |
    | EOL                         | whitespace. Helpful for formatting.         |
    | cmd <<< "string"            | Redirect a single line of text to stdin.    |
    |                             | This is called a here-string.               |
    | exec 2> file                | Redirect stderr of all commands to a file   |
    |                             | forever.                                    |
    | exec 3< file                | Open a file for reading using a custom fd.  |
    | exec 3> file                | Open a file for writing using a custom fd.  |
    | exec 3<> file               | Open a file for reading and writing using   |
    |                             | a custom file descriptor.                   |
    | exec 3>&-                   | Close a file descriptor.                    |
    | exec 4>&3                   | Make file descriptor 4 to be a copy of file |
    |                             | descriptor 3. (Copy fd 3 to 4.)             |
    | exec 4>&3-                  | Copy file descriptor 3 to 4 and close fd 3  |
    | echo "foo" >&3              | Write to a custom file descriptor.          |
    | cat <&3                     | Read from a custom file descriptor.         |
    | (cmd1; cmd2) > file         | Redirect stdout from multiple commands to a |
    |                             | file (using a sub-shell).                   |
    | { cmd1; cmd2; } > file      | Redirect stdout from multiple commands to a |
    |                             | file (faster; not using a sub-shell).       |
    | exec 3<> /dev/tcp/host/port | Open a TCP connection to host:port.         |
    | exec 3<> /dev/udp/host/port | Open a UDP connection to host:port.         |
    | cmd <(cmd1)                 | Redirect stdout of `cmd1` to an anonymous   |
    |                             | fifo, then pass the fifo to `cmd` as an     |
    |                             | argument. Useful when `cmd` doesn't read    |
    |                             | from stdin directly.                        |
    | cmd < <(cmd1)               | Redirect stdout of `cmd1` to an anonymous   |
    |                             | fifo, then redirect the fifo to stdin of    |
    |                         ____' `cmd`. Best example:                        |
    |                        | diff <(find /path1 | sort) <(find /path2 | sort) |
    | cmd <(cmd1) <(cmd2)         | Redirect stdout of `cmd1` `cmd2` to two     |
    |                             | anonymous fifos, then pass both fifos as    |
    |                             | arguments to \verb|cmd|.                    |
    | cmd1 >(cmd2)                | Run `cmd2` with its stdin connected to an   |
    |                             | anonymous fifo, and pass the filename of    |
    |                             | the pipe as an argument to `cmd1`.          |
    | cmd1 | cmd2                 | Redirect stdout of cmd1 to stdin of `cmd2`. |
    |                             | Pro-tip: This is the same as                |
    |                             | `cmd1 > >(cmd2)`, same as `cmd2 < <(cmd1)`, |
    |                             | same as `> >(cmd2) cmd1`, same as           |
    |                             | `< <(cmd1) cmd2`.                           |
    | cmd1 |& cmd2                | Redirect stdout and stderr of `cmd1` to     |
    |                             | stdin of `cmd2` (bash 4.0+ only).           |
    |                             | Use `cmd1 2>&1 | cmd2` for older bashes.    |
    | cmd | tee file              | Redirect stdout of `cmd` to a file and      |
    |                             | print it to screen.                         |
    | exec {filew}> file          | Open a file for writing using a named file  |
    |                             | descriptor called `{filew}` (bash 4.1+)     |
    | cmd 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3          | Swap stdout and stderr of `cmd`.            |
    | cmd > >(cmd1) 2> >(cmd2)    | Send stdout of `cmd` to `cmd1` and stderr   |
    |                             | `cmd` to `cmd2`.                            |
    | cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3 | cmd4   | Find out the exit codes of all piped cmds.  |
    | echo ${PIPESTATUS[@]}       |                                             |
    |                                                                           |
    | I explained each one of these redirections in my article All About Bash   |
    | Redirections:                                                             |
    |                                                                           |
    |         |
    |                                                                           |

  • 1.2 Bash Manual, Redirection Section

    这是Bash手册中的重定向小节,可以使用man bash+/^REDIRECTION快速定位查看,大概在1700行左右的位置。

           Before a command is executed, its input and output may be redirected using a special  notation
           interpreted by the shell.  Redirection allows commands' file handles to be duplicated, opened,
           closed, made to refer to different files, and can change the files the command reads from  and
           writes to.  Redirection may also be used to modify file handles in the current shell execution
           environment.  The following redirection operators may precede or appear anywhere within a sim‐
           ple  command  or  may  follow a command.  Redirections are processed in the order they appear,
           from left to right.
           Each redirection that may be preceded by a file descriptor number may instead be preceded by a
           word  of  the form {varname}.  In this case, for each redirection operator except >&- and <&-,
           the shell will allocate a file descriptor greater than or equal to 10 and assign  it  to  var‐
           name.   If >&- or <&- is preceded by {varname}, the value of varname defines the file descrip‐
           tor to close.  If {varname} is supplied, the redirection persists beyond the scope of the com‐
           mand, allowing the shell programmer to manage the file descriptor himself.
           In the following descriptions, if the file descriptor number is omitted, and the first charac‐
           ter of the redirection operator is <, the redirection refers to the standard input  (file  de‐
           scriptor  0).  If the first character of the redirection operator is >, the redirection refers
           to the standard output (file descriptor 1).
           The word following the redirection operator in the following  descriptions,  unless  otherwise
           noted,  is  subjected  to  brace expansion, tilde expansion, parameter and variable expansion,
           command substitution, arithmetic expansion, quote removal, pathname expansion, and word split‐
           ting.  If it expands to more than one word, bash reports an error.
           Note that the order of redirections is significant.  For example, the command
                  ls > dirlist 2>&1
           directs both standard output and standard error to the file dirlist, while the command
                  ls 2>&1 > dirlist
           directs  only  the  standard output to file dirlist, because the standard error was duplicated
           from the standard output before the standard output was redirected to dirlist.
           Bash handles several filenames specially when they are used in redirections, as  described  in
           the  following table.  If the operating system on which bash is running provides these special
           files, bash will use them; otherwise it will emulate them internally  with  the  behavior  de‐
           scribed below.
                         If fd is a valid integer, file descriptor fd is duplicated.
                         File descriptor 0 is duplicated.
                         File descriptor 1 is duplicated.
                         File descriptor 2 is duplicated.
                         If  host  is  a  valid hostname or Internet address, and port is an integer port
                         number or service name, bash attempts to open the corresponding TCP socket.
                         If host is a valid hostname or Internet address, and port  is  an  integer  port
                         number or service name, bash attempts to open the corresponding UDP socket.
           A failure to open or create a file causes the redirection to fail.
           Redirections  using file descriptors greater than 9 should be used with care, as they may con‐
           flict with file descriptors the shell uses internally.
           Note that the exec builtin command can make redirections take effect in the current shell.
       Redirecting Input
           Redirection of input causes the file whose name results from  the  expansion  of  word  to  be
           opened for reading on file descriptor n, or the standard input (file descriptor 0) if n is not
           The general format for redirecting input is:
       Redirecting Output
           Redirection of output causes the file whose name results from the  expansion  of  word  to  be
           opened  for  writing  on file descriptor n, or the standard output (file descriptor 1) if n is
           not specified.  If the file does not exist it is created; if it does exist it is truncated  to
           zero size.
           The general format for redirecting output is:
           If  the  redirection  operator  is >, and the noclobber option to the set builtin has been en‐
           abled, the redirection will fail if the file whose name results from the expansion of word ex‐
           ists and is a regular file.  If the redirection operator is >|, or the redirection operator is
           > and the noclobber option to the set builtin command is not enabled, the redirection  is  at‐
           tempted even if the file named by word exists.
       Appending Redirected Output
           Redirection of output in this fashion causes the file whose name results from the expansion of
           word to be opened for appending on file descriptor n, or the standard output (file  descriptor
           1) if n is not specified.  If the file does not exist it is created.
           The general format for appending output is:
       Redirecting Standard Output and Standard Error
           This construct allows both the standard output (file descriptor 1) and the standard error out‐
           put (file descriptor 2) to be redirected to the file whose name is the expansion of word.
           There are two formats for redirecting standard output and standard error:
           Of the two forms, the first is preferred.  This is semantically equivalent to
                  >word 2>&1
           When using the second form, word may not expand to a number or -.  If it does, other redirect‐
           ion operators apply (see Duplicating File Descriptors below) for compatibility reasons.
       Appending Standard Output and Standard Error
           This construct allows both the standard output (file descriptor 1) and the standard error out‐
           put (file descriptor 2) to be appended to the file whose name is the expansion of word.
           The format for appending standard output and standard error is:
           This is semantically equivalent to
                  >>word 2>&1
           (see Duplicating File Descriptors below).
       Here Documents
           This type of redirection instructs the shell to read input from the  current  source  until  a
           line containing only delimiter (with no trailing blanks) is seen.  All of the lines read up to
           that point are then used as the standard input (or file descriptor n if n is specified) for  a
           The format of here-documents is:
           No  parameter  and variable expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, or pathname
           expansion is performed on word.  If any part of word is quoted, the delimiter is the result of
           quote  removal  on  word, and the lines in the here-document are not expanded.  If word is un‐
           quoted, all lines of the here-document are subjected to parameter expansion, command substitu‐
           tion,  and  arithmetic  expansion, the character sequence \<newline> is ignored, and \ must be
           used to quote the characters \, $, and `.
           If the redirection operator is <<-, then all leading tab characters are  stripped  from  input
           lines  and  the line containing delimiter.  This allows here-documents within shell scripts to
           be indented in a natural fashion.
       Here Strings
           A variant of here documents, the format is:
           The word undergoes tilde expansion, parameter and variable  expansion,  command  substitution,
           arithmetic  expansion,  and quote removal.  Pathname expansion and word splitting are not per‐
           formed.  The result is supplied as a single string, with a newline appended, to the command on
           its standard input (or file descriptor n if n is specified).
       Duplicating File Descriptors
           The redirection operator
           is  used to duplicate input file descriptors.  If word expands to one or more digits, the file
           descriptor denoted by n is made to be a copy of that file descriptor.  If the digits  in  word
           do  not  specify a file descriptor open for input, a redirection error occurs.  If word evalu‐
           ates to -, file descriptor n is closed.  If n is not specified, the standard input  (file  de‐
           scriptor 0) is used.
           The operator
           is  used  similarly to duplicate output file descriptors.  If n is not specified, the standard
           output (file descriptor 1) is used.  If the digits in word do not specify  a  file  descriptor
           open  for  output,  a  redirection error occurs.  If word evaluates to -, file descriptor n is
           closed.  As a special case, if n is omitted, and word does not expand to one or more digits or
           -, the standard output and standard error are redirected as described previously.
       Moving File Descriptors
           The redirection operator
           moves  the  file descriptor digit to file descriptor n, or the standard input (file descriptor
           0) if n is not specified.  digit is closed after being duplicated to n.
           Similarly, the redirection operator
           moves the file descriptor digit to file descriptor n, or the standard output (file  descriptor
           1) if n is not specified.
       Opening File Descriptors for Reading and Writing
           The redirection operator
           causes  the file whose name is the expansion of word to be opened for both reading and writing
           on file descriptor n, or on file descriptor 0 if n is not specified.  If the file does not ex‐
           ist, it is created.

  • 2 重定向命令

    2.1 读写重定向


    • 格式:[n]<word
    • 效果:word被Bash展开的结果作为文件名,以读的方式打开,然后将文件描述符n指向那个文件

    • 格式:[n]>word
    • 效果:以写的方式打开word文件,文件描述符n指向该文件。该文件不存在则会被创建,文件已存在则会被清空。
    • 注意:
      • 文件已存在时,如果Bash启用了noclobber选项(set -o noclobber),则重定向操作会失败(文件不会被清空)
      • 如果运算符是>|([n]>|word),则始终覆盖文件

    1. 追加写
    • 格式:[n]>>word
    • 效果:以写的方式打开word文件,文件描述符n指向该文件。该文件不存在则会被创建;文件已存在,则写入内容时向文件末尾追加。

  • 2.2 duplicate文件描述符(work in progress)

    1. dup写
    • 格式:[n]<&word
    1. dup读
    • 格式:[n]>&word

  • 2.3 写重定向实例:stdoutstderr(work in progress)

    1. 重定向写入
    • 格式:&>word, >&word, >word 2>&1
    1. 追加重定向写入
    • 格式:&>>word, >>word 2>&1

  • 2.4 文件描述符 打开,移动,关闭(work in progress)

    1. 打开
    • 格式:[n]<>word
    1. 移动
    • 格式:[n]<&digit-, [n]>&digit-
    1. 关闭
    • 格式:[n]<&-, [n]>&-

  • 2.5 Here Documents/Strings (work in progress)

    1. Here Documents
    • 格式:
    • 效果
    • 注意:
      • 如果重定向运算符是<<-,行首的<tab>delimiter那一行会被去掉(行首空格不会被去掉!)。这是为了使shell脚本的格式更自然
    1. Here Strings
    • 格式:[n]<<<word

  • 3 杂项

    1. 每个重定向运算符前,指定文件描述符的n都可以换成{varname},这时一个大于等于10的文件描述符会被赋值给变量varname。例如exec {my_fd}<filename
      • 注意命令写成脚本之后,用zsh执行会报错exec: {varname}: not found,待排查

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  • 是会常用又常忘的东西,mark了!

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